
Teaching Assistant Assistant (TAA) is a desktop app for managing teaching assistant activities, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, TAA can get your teaching assistant tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Summary of Contributions:

21 pull requests

Code contributed:

I write concise code. Details are in tp dash board .

Enhancements implemented:

Designed and implemented classes and methods to support import and export of application data in CSV format. #88 , #92 , #113 , #116 , #149, Implemented error handling at various occurrences to deal with any user input. #116 , #209 Implemented command history navigation functionality. #149 , #198 , #206

Designed and improved JSON data archive module by adding more type of data stored in JSON format. #219

Contributions to the UG:

Authored the CSV section. The CSV commands format and command instructions.

Alert the team of an entire mistakenly deleted section.

Contributions to the DG:

Authored the CSV section. The CSV format and error handling details. #62 , #230 , #233

Authored the data archiving (JSON) section. Added the detailed JSON interaction procedure. #233

Contributions to team-based tasks:

Labeled PED issues.

Discovered and fixed numerous unreported bugs with respected to the interactions of students, submissions, and assignments. #216 , #222 , #237 , #240

Review/mentoring contributions:

Reported bugs and reviewed respective changes: #108, #203, #221, #231, #232, #241

Contributions beyond the project team:

Reported 7 issues to W16 .


This project uses Apache Commons CSV under Apache License 2.0